iNat store suggestion

I think the iNaturalist store has a lack a merchandise that it sells; as far as I can see they only sell iNat t-shirts. It would be great to see some mugs or something with the inat logo on it, I would totally buy that; I can see myself on the computer doing some identification’s while sipping my inat mug. Like how wikipedia has it’s own offical wiki mug.


Have you posted in this thread about merch?

It may be time for a new poll there.

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Thanks @astra_the_dragon. Didn’t know that was a thread.

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Be great to sell sun caps with longitudinally foldable visors, snap-in neck guards, Upf 50, face shields, as available from Ellewin.

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Thanks for the suggestions. I’m going to close this to keep the store conversation focused on the existing thread :-)