iNaturalist Bingo: a monthly observation quest!

Well done!

And it is Bingo for me for May, too!


Bingo for June, another easy card!


Oh, wow! Congratulations!
I have only seen one of my June card so far. There are 12 different species of fungi, most of which I have never seen. There is at least one in every row and column, which might make a bingo difficult this month.

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So many fungi! I wonder if there is a shortage of plant observations in your area, or simply a lot of fungus observations.

Why not just get another card that is more balanced?

It is early winter here, so fungi are everywhere! Yes there are plants, but none choose this time of year to flower, so probably don’t usually get “observed” in June.

I want to work on a card that covers the place where I am. From what I could find early on in this game, I had two options. There’s the one I’m using (which is my ward of the local government area), or the whole state. There didn’t seem to be any intermediate option (like one covering the whole LGA - local government area). The state one gives me many species I’m never going to see in my local area, so I prefer the one with the narrower focus.


Oh, I did not mean to get a new card for a new place. I meant to get a new card for your normal place. By checking back to the app.

A while back, I tried playing during two or three different months. every time I went back to the app to check progress, I was issued a new card for my place with different species. It was suggested that I make a screenshot of the card, and then use a digital pen to add checks to the species I found. I just assume that is what people who persisted with playing Bingo were doing.

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No, that’s not what I’m doing. I do take a screenshot at the beginning of the month just so I know what I’m looking for (and I will know for sure if something changes), but the green ticks on my bingo posted for May were put there by the app, not me.

Is it possible to make months change? So, e.g. checking what was the last month? Would it be hard to add?

I didn’t realize you are in winter where you are. Winter cards tend to be a lot more difficult than summer cards. But that’s the point–the bingo card for the month shows what is possible or likely to be observed for this month in your area.

One thing I enjoy about this game is that the Bingo cards highlight mistaken observations, things that people submitted observations for with the wrong month, the wrong place, the wrong ID. If you know something on your bingo card is impossible for the time and place, you can double check the observation for accuracy and try to get the observer to correct time, place or ID. After they make the corrections, the card gets changed because the species no longer qualifies for bingo. So I like just taking the cards the way they come rather than saving one for the month, accepting that some items will change as the month goes on and the accuracy of observations gets checked.


I didn’t get close to bingo this month:

Part of that was due to contracting the dreaded virus and having to isolate and then recuperate for half the month. I did go out on one naturalist excursion, but didn’t see anything on the card on that day.
Hoping for a better July.


Bingo for July–so many insects!


broken links. For your thumbnail too.

PS now the pictures are back.

I can see it no problem

Then perhaps it is restricted geographically. I see a few broken image links across iNat.

Origin error. Not reachable or returns an error

Congratulations! That is indeed a lot of insects.

Bingo for July! Not everyone is uploaded yet, but it’s there.)


Are you sure it’s common hedgehog (playing advocatus diaboli here :smiling_imp:)?