I recently dreamed I saw some new birds near my house - there were three of them, and they had the coloration and pattern of Steller’s Jays except that the blue parts were brighter (more the color of an Indigo Bunting), they had no crest, and were a bit smaller. I only made these comparisons after waking up. This was not a stress dream - I got great pictures and looked them up in bird books, where I discovered that they were a species commonly found in the rest of the US, but never before seen on the west coast. I remember being the most excited that I would be able to use them for my homeschool science project (write half a page about an animal, plant, fungus, or rock that I see within walking distance of my house that day). So I was disappointed when I woke up and realized I hadn’t actually seen these cool birds, but to make up for it I used all the information I could remember to describe them and find the closest real species - which turned out, sadly, to be the Steller’s Jay (a common resident in my area). What I really need is a camera that I can use in my dreams and wake up to find that it still has the pictures on it!
Funny in that I had my first remembered iNat dream last night. The part I remember was of trying to figure out how to crop a photo of a mushroom to help someone more expert ID it. I was really, really focused on that, knowing my photo was not likely good enough for an ID, but giving it my best effort.
On that note – I was so bookish growing up (and still am), that books about nature were and are a big part of my life. This is also reflected in my dreams – I will dream about a picture of some exotic plant or animal in the pages of a book, complete with caption.
Sometimes I can even identify the specific book! We used to have The Time-Life Encyclopedia of Gardening, and one of the titles was Foliage Houseplants. The last chapter of each volume was an alphabetic “encyclopedia” of plants, illustrated with color drawings. In one of my dreams, there was a page from that book, with a picture of what was captioned a “stekhouse plant.” It had colorful leaves like caladium, but they were fan-shaped. (In real life, there is such a genus as Stackhousia, but it looks nothing like what I saw in my dream.)
I had another one! I have been having lots of these dreams but one of them is I was on iNaturalist and it had every animal in the world IDed. Then In my dream I woke up and said “Was that a dream?” I checked iNaturalist and saw it was true! Then I work up in real life and checked and it was not true!
I once dreamt of being a mandarin duck.
It was very amusing. I had many mallard friends, and was in a swimming pool full of seaweed.
2 days ago had a dream that I saw Greenish Warbler that was forced by one of my wrong warbler ids, and today I saw it for the first time! What a coincidence.
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I had a dream a few nights ago in which I was looking for records of man on iNaturalist. It produced a picture of fly agaric mushrooms and I thought that will be because the genus contains man.
I had a dream I was in ancient rural India , I was on bullock cart with my mother gazing out seeing rural India, I see a weird animals on with 5 eyes like a huge bird flying around people were happy and were coexisting with wildlife people in my dreams were weird they were not greedy at all, bullock driver even give me a toffee then suddenly one ox got mad then I saw bullock driver disappeared and when I try to stop ox I got hit by ox into a large drain I saw myself drowning, I feel nothing no fear just plain peace. Then I got wake up in my real world saw my small brother putting water on my face.(My dream was in black and white)
I once saw an unidentified click beetle, and ended up dreaming of a species level ID given to it.
Last week before bioblitz I dreamed I as a part of my team had to go to Australia on day #2, and we had some regions (“circles” or more like shapes drawn by a child) specifically chosen for us, so we could decide where to go, one was in the western part, one in the eastern, but one started at the south-east (and Tasmania wasn’t an island for me) and went throught the sea up to part of New Zealand, it seemed to be the only good one! Not even thinking about travelling there for one day only, that it was in 2 countries and that we’re competing as a Moscow team, in Australia.
Every now and then! I remember one dream in particular several months back, I dreamt that I was sitting under a tree and there were a couple different types of spiders who had made a home there and I was looking at them. It was really peaceful and nice! I think what brought it on was how much I was looking and reading about spiders online (as well as seeking them out in person), which I guess I have still continued to do since, though if I’ve had any more spider or other nature dreams since, they didn’t end up being ones I remembered.
And the click beetle I saw was real, but the ID was just family.
I have a lot of nature dreams everyday and most of the dreams will be about reptiles like Iguana’s or Diamondback Rattle Snakes. But a few days ago I had a extraordinary dream.
The dream was about me wandering out in Turahalli Forest with a bag pack,my phone and Binoculars. as there are a alot of tall trees found in that forest,I could spot many birds that I cannot find near my house. The best thing is when u capture a picture when the bird is in flight where you can see the beautiful and colorful wings. But most of the times even before you can focus to take the picture the bird is gone.
Last but not the least,I was able to relax without any disturbance. It was such a calm place.
I think you mean “every night”
I would love to have a bird dream, but it has never happened :(
That’s yet another reason that I’ve started trying to Lucid Dream.
I have a dream of seeing a gorgeous male Indian Paradise-flycatcher, as well as a weird dream of being in some sort of “england” that is actually sunny and being tasked to kill Ravens as well as some invasive crow species. The second has practically no context. Within another dream I also encountered a wierd land-dwelling reddish Snipe species.
In my dream tonight I explained the difference between Monocots and Dicots to my (in reality deceased) father.
This night in a dream I got an agry message asking why I’m iding Insecta to Pterygota and if I’m sane to take people’s time and hopes and break them with such meaningless id.