Is anyone else having dreams where they are outside in nature?

Is anyone else having dreams where they are outside in nature? I did a few days again and I was thinking about the dream just now.

In my dream animals were all around me. Bees, a few bunnys you name it. I got a some pictures of them and uploaded them to iNaturalist. I was clam. It all seemed so real. It was great. In my dream there is nothing called climate change. No Covid or anything. Peace was everywhere. My family and friends where there. It was paradise.


What was it about?
I think last time was around a month ago when I had a dream a-la big birding day, with tons of birds I was seeing close to me and troubles I got into while seeing/documenting them. Hopefully it doesn’t happen too often or it’d be depressing to come back to real life with waiting for spring to come and no sudden tropical species flying around. I’d say iNat itself is a more prolific object of dreams for winter.


There where was animals all around me. Bees, a few bunnys you name it. I got a some pictures of them and uploaded them to iNaturalist. I was clam. It all seemed so real. It was great. In my dream there is nothing called climate change. No Covid or anything. Peace was everywhere. My family and friends where there. It was paradise.


I dream about tenebrionids, other arthropods, and lichens every now and then.


I have iNat or nature related dreams pretty often to be honest! Just last night I dreamed about this species of plant called A. maroohi which looked kinda like blue-eyed grass or chicory but was related to wild carrots. I was with someone else and they tore off all the petals before I could get a photo to post. No clue where that came from!


My frequent dreams include finding wonderful insects and not being able to get my camera to work. Hope to get out into nature in East Gippsland Victoria. Best wishes to all who may be locked down from Covid. We have been through months of that and now have zero new cases for some time so are benefiting now. Keep up your happy dreams friends.


So far no dreams about being in nature yet. At least not that I remember. The dreams I do remember are very very strange, not unlike acid trips.


I’ve had plenty of dreams about trying to get pictures of birds. Sometimes I succeed and get a lot of pictures, sometimes they’re really blurry, sometimes my camera won’t focus. None too recently though.


When I lived in Hawaii, I once dreamed of seeing a species of honeycreeper that is actually extinct. Nature and wildlife features frequently in my dreams. I am always annoyed that observations I make in a dream do not count for my Grinnell journal!


This is wrong question for me, for me it should be “Do you ever have a dream in which you’re not exploring nature ?!” This happens to me EVERY SINGLE DAY ! Sometimes I find some rare bird, some times I find pupae of butterflies ! Sometimes I find a new species which I share on iNat, and sometimes get a new camera and am clicking birds with it !


Welcome to the fourm @lrogan!

Last night I had a very weird and funny dream. Thought I might share it with you.

I dreamt the supermarket was selling potato chips, and on each of the packages there was a big picture and the scientific name of several mite species that are threatened with extinction. These mites live somewhere in southeastern Europe and Greece and each of these species live on a grassy place that’s only about 1 square metre. Their habitats were protected with a little wooden fence so that people don’t trample it down. In Spain there were similar mites but they weren’t endangered at all.
The factory that sold the chips would donate a small portion of their earnings for conservation projects for the mites. I was very surprised about their business model because I don’t think many people would buy chips with a giant picture of a mite on it. But I liked it and bought 2 bags just for the conservation lol. And afterwards I posted it on the iNat forums

I also have less weird dreams with animals or nature :)


Lol same

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@fuerchtegott that’s so cool! :laughing: Which mites where they? Red velvet ones are cute enough for potato chips.
Yesterday I came somewhere near Novosibirsk, I was in a travelling iNatting group but we were always in hurry and driving from place to place, there were wild deers and even some big cats, one wild horse almost ran over me, that was too much cause I was photographing flowers nonstop and there were unknown blue one under a tree that I had to id as fast as I could.


Once I had this wonderful dream where I found a bunch of cool animals and I got epic pictures which I uploaded to iNat…:joy:


Yes, I have always had those, but I have spent enough time on iNaturalist in the past few months that it is starting to work its way into my dreams. I can’t remember specifics, but I remember dreams where I would see a rare animal, and wanting to capture an observation.

Usually, in my dreams, for decades, I am exploring. My dreams are very geographical. But my dreams usually don’t have a boundary between being “outside” and “inside”, like I have always had dreams where I am walking in a building and it just turns into a forest, or vice-versa.


There was also this dream, which I posted in the “You know you’re seriously into iNat when” thread. It’s more of an iNat dream than a nature dream, though, since the nature part was real!

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(Late again- but meh)

I’m a serious daydreamer, it even takes over my life at times, but I’ve had dreams several times about being some magical nature being, feeding animals, I also dream about this wonderful place in my head, which I’ve named Cloud Lake, where all sorts of animals I’ve seen in real life come, and I feed them and take pictures!

…Then there are cool magical rainbow birds and the dream sort of shifts way out of reality.


I have nature dreams occasionally, and I’ve noticed they’ve taken over my stress dreams as well. The stress dreams usually involve being outside and seeing incredible lifer species, but not having my camera present or functional. I get very frustrated because I really want to take photos so I can post them to iNat. The site’s become a big source of joy to me and I guess my sleeping self uses it to work through my frustrations as well. Of course, I’d be happy to see any creature in real life, camera or no.

I remember having one recently where I was out with my lifelong hiking buddy, my dad. We were walking through a field when he pointed out a common nighthawk sitting on a fence post. I went to retrieve my camera, but it wasn’t in my bag. I thought maybe it was in the car, and on the way back I saw a rufous hummingbird and several other lifer species that I couldn’t document. I was almost a bit relieved when I woke up, lol.


My stress dreams have been of a different sort. When i’ve been stressed at work, or in college, my stress dream would involve being chased by grizzlies or mountain lions, usually one of those two. I’ve been treed many times in dreams, or stuck up in an attic or some other relatively safe place.