Hello everyone. I’m currently the admin of a project that is gathering all observations registered in a given area. I keep an excel sheet with all observations in the project, which I update as regularly as possible. Despite the fact that not many observations are uploaded in the area, giving me time to add them without missing any, I’d like to get a notification every time there is a new observation. That way I could be sure to not miss any at all.
Does anyone know if that is possible?
I am not sure about notifications for the project specifically, but there are two other options I do know of.
You can subscribe to a given place/taxon combination, so new observations for that will show up on your dashboard. If a place/taxon combination matches your project, that’s a good way to see incoming observations.
You can just bookmark a search in Identify with a filter for your specific project. You can even set this to include RG observations so you see absolutely everything that comes in. This is what I’ve done for project management and recommend.
I think you can do it from the /places page if your project is a place. In the left under the taxonomic tree window there is an option to “Subscribe to observations from this place”.
Here’s the place page that was created when I made my project:
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