Is it possible to note WHY I am changing/adding/removing a taxon-page photo?

Today I finally ventured into the new (to me) and frightening (to me) realm of changing taxon-page photos. :grimacing:

Is there any way to add a note when changing photos, to explain (or at least briefly note) why I did that? I would feel a lot better about tidying up some of these things if I had some way to note what I was doing. (Like, ā€œadding a photo of a juvenileā€ or ā€œthis photo is very nice but also completely redundantā€.)


You could put the info on a taxon flag, but otherwise I donā€™t think this is possible. But the changes will be recorded so curators can see past photos.


I often rearrange existing photos, so the first few each show different useful info. Flower, leaf, fruit, wide view. That triggers a clunky history of moved picture 11 to 5 ā€¦
Apart from the odd exception - I want MY picture to be The Taxon Picture - we change the pictures for good reason (I want a picture of fruit, not 12 different pretty flowers, thanks). Take courage - I am happy to presume that your reasons will be good, as you suggested up there.
So long as you donā€™t remove, or move down out of sight, what was clearly chosen to display field marks.


If youā€™re not confident that your decisions are correct or an improvement, you could send a message to a person that commonly identifies that species to get a second opinion.


You can not explain this, unless you leave a comment on the observation, such as: this shows clearly the ā€¦ which is diagnostic for the species. But that is not required.

Please keep on improving taxon photo selection - that is very useful and a true community service for all iNat users.


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