Is it possible to see a list of species you've ID'd?

the reason i didn’t add links to take you directly to your identifications is because there’s not a quick way to directly translate the parameters from the identification species count endpoint to a page that will show you the appropriate subset of identifications. someone could do the proper translations, at least partially, but it’s just more effort than i’m willing to put into it.

here is code for a version of the page that will have links to take you to the observations page: you could save to code to a local .html file and run it from your own machine if you wanted to. the problem with it is that the observations page doesn’t allow you to query by identification taxon id (only observation taxon id). so if there’s a mismatch between your identification taxon id and the observation taxon id, those mismatches won’t show up in the resulting page. also, the observations page filters for only verifiable results by default. but you can uncheck the appropriate box to get those back.

(in that alternate version of the code, i didn’t map the link to the identifications page because the API contains some extra parameters that the observations page handles but the identifications page does not.)

if you wanted to make a request for new functionality, i would suggest going to and asking for a new parameter to allow filtering by identification taxon id.