Is there a way to attract frogs to your yard?

I haven’t seen any frogs in my new lamont acres neighborhood. Does anyone know of a way to attract them to my yard

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Put in a water feature?


I have no idea where that neighborhood is (this is a worldwide site) but this was recently in the Washington Post: How to Build the Backyard Frog Pond You Didn’t Know You Needed

Perhaps it will give you some good starting information.


A water feature is a good idea. It doesn’t have to be big. I make “patio ponds” out of half whiskey barrels, and I get treefrog tadpoles and young green frogs in there.

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I read the article in the newspaper, forgot to save the section, but now I can bookmark your post instead, thanks! :)

I remember thinking that I could make an attractive toad home by just tilting some clay pots already lying in my yard into better angles for them.


Oh, yay! I’m so glad! :)

(I have rain frogs in my garden when it rains but no toads, at least that I am aware of, but clay pots tilted over likely would be extremely popular with the local lizard set.)

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I’m sure in most cases some type of water container will help, but these can also breed mosquitoes, so, depending on your location this may be something to watch out for.


Nice deep mulch full of insects. Frogs live in your garden - water is for breeding.
We have a wildlife pond. And 2 frogs singing there.

This species is top of my unobserved species list for Cape Peninsula. So many obs, because volunteers help escort them across the road, from suburban gardens back to their ancestral breeding ponds. Each individual carefully recorded.


I’ve been trying to attract frogs to my yard for a while, with no luck. I’m wondering, is it possible for frogs to visit your yard even if there’s no water nearby? The closest waterway near me is up a steep urban street, and the river itself is pretty polluted.

I’ve also tried a patio pond, but all I have so far are mosquitoe larvae. If you’re going to try this, make sure you either have water flow or use BTI.


Have you seen any dragonflies? Their larva are voracious predators - with fascinating mouthparts - underwater chameleon vibe.


Some kind of water feature, even like a porch pond, with big leafy plants (potted or not) all around, would likely be appealing to treefrogs. And for toads, like other ppl mentioned, clay pots on the side, and a way to attract insects for food, like how @DianaStuder suggested with mulch.


I wish, they are so awesome! Very-well adapted, both in and out of water!

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We had dragonflies (the adults) in this garden, long before we could build the pond for the larvae.


Make the loudest ribbit ever so all the females will think you are sexy and willing to bonk you.

Ok rather, I agree with the other posts, a water feature seems to be a good start, one that attracts also a number of other species that rely on water.

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Here are some pictures of my patio pond if anybody’s interested. Nothing but mosquitoes yet, but I’m hoping for something interesting.

First, they need a route to your yard. Is there a habitat corridor they can use to get there from the nearest place where they already are?

Also contrive a way to get in. And out again. A dead branch, or piled stones.

We build our ponds with ‘beaches’ after the first garden which was for human eye candy, before I knew better. I miss the second pond (this third one is little)

Signage at Green Point Urban Park

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