This should be fairly easy to do. I’ll try and diagram out a Plant Phenology hierarchy, also taking into account @bouteloua’s suggestion.
Remember that an observation on iNat is the record of an encounter between the observer and an individual organism at a specific time and place, so technically one cannot choose more than one life stage or sex per observation. I think this is a case where Observation Fields like Copulating are working fine.
I don’t think we will do this for observation fields, but perhaps some sort of visualization like this can be part of your feature request.
I like this idea, although I don’t think photo or sound are needed, just the type of evidence.
Playing devil’s advocate here, I find it very easy and quick to annotate my observations in the Identify tool right after I upload them, now that I’ve gotten into the habit. I’ve bookmarked and this shows me all of my own observations I’ve reviewed (ie observations to which I’ve added an ID), with the latest ones first. Then it’s just a matter or going through them. That URL should work for anyone, just replace “tiwane” with your own username.
Now, I do have pretty good internet speeds at home, so maybe the Identify page doesn’t work as well for others, but to me the integrated keyboard shortcuts make it much quicker than the upload page would be.
BTW, @eraskin, I did finally add Sex as an annotation for mollusks. So sorry for the waaaaay too long delay.