Is there a link to the forum on the website, or is one planned? I use
I am assuming the old link to Google Groups will be adjusted to link here in a week when the official move-over occurs.
As Charlie said, we’re still setting this up. Planning to alert the community at large and update links next week.
I have never seen a link to the google group. Is this because i open iNat at my home page? Of because I usd And I am looking forward to a link too.
The ‘Feedback’ link at the bottom of the page is what leads to the google group. There’s also one at the first page of the ‘Help’ link.
The feedback link on the portal goes to a different google group (specific to, I presume it is the same for other regional iNats’.
Yes, we didn’t want to step on the toes of any administrators of partner sites. It will be up to them to incorporate this footer link or not.
Good feedback, though, I’ve removed the footer instructions from the blog post.
Suggestion - add a link to the Forum under the iNat web page Community menu. That would make it easier to get to the forum when using a tablet (iPad in my case). Otherwise I have to scroll all… the… way… to the bottom.
Also, could we get a link back to in the forum header? The usual thing would be to have a small iNat logo in the upper left as a clickable link.
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