i think your #3 can be addressed by an existing page that finds ungrafted taxa: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-does-one-list-all-ungrafted-taxa/6612/20.
i think you can figure out your #1 and #2 by looking at the taxa.csv file in the periodic taxonomy export file (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/inaturalist-taxonomy.dwca.zip). a few notes:
- viruses won’t follow the convention of the species name consisting of genus + specific epithet
- it looks like the genus and specific epithet in the taxa.csv file are extracted directly from the scientific name in the case of species. so to get the actual name of the genus in this case, you’d have to get a species taxon’s parent ID from the parent column, follow that chain until you hit genus, and then get the genus name from the genus taxon.
- i originally thought you could figure out #1 using this file, but the issue noted in the above point means that you’d have to do something more complex. staff could probably get this kind of thing easily since they can directly query the database, but i think normal users are left with much less elegant options to get this kind of information.
i’m not sure what you mean by #4 and #5. examples?