Map on the taxon page appears moved up

Every taxon map that I looked appeared like this as default. If you want to move it to see the complete map you have to move it yourself. It is a small bug, but it is a little bit annoying. I guess that the default should be the line of the ecuator in the center probably, or the average point for all the observations?

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this may be in part related to this species having an observation at the north pole due to a mapping error. I’ll flag that as mapped wrong.


I think that it is happening for all the Lepidopterans


I fixed several more location errors near the north pole. I still see an observation mapped at the edge of the map, but I’m unable to click on it or find it in a bounding box search:

you can manually adjust the bounding box nelat=90 to see everything up to the pole:

not sure what you’re fixing on these observations. so i’m going to leave them alone myself.

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These maps aren’t shifting upwards for me anymore now that the location errors have been marked on the north pole observations.

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