While IDing unknowns tonight, I saw a bunch of observations from students in this collection project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/95fe3828-2bee-405b-9b3e-f7338e03c960
Many of the kids seem to be accepting CV suggestions when they produce a funny result (eg. a human that the CV suggests is a dog, horse, eel, etc).
It’s a collection project based on a location, so I don’t think the project admins have any connection to the students (the project was created in 2019 and only uses the place as a term; not users or dates).
I think it may just have happened to use a location where a field trip later coincidentally took place, but it’s a good jumping off point for finding these observations.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up before even more observations with CV-suggested joke IDs come in.