Most interesting color mutations you have seen?

It is depigmentated. The undertail being white is a common MODO phenotype but not the undertail coverts as well. Additionally, you’ll notice the entire tail is white when normally pigmented doves have black tips to rectrices.

I have two though iI didn’t have my camera for either of them :frowning:
the first one was of a black-backed gull (Larus marinus) that had several white feathers along its wing which are normally black.
The second of was of a pure black pigeon.

When I was doing my master’s thesis, I had thousands of Southern toad Anaxyrus terrestris tadpoles. Normally, these are very dark brown, but I noticed that a small percentage of them were a golden color. My professor asked me to make a note of the numbers of each, because he had never seen that before. When they emerged as metamorphs, the normal dusky tadpoles were normal brown toads, but the golden tadpoles were beige toads. Raising them to adulthood was beyond the scope of my project, but it would have been interesting to see if they retained their color differences.


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