My first Wiki article - how did I do?

I recently found a less common mushroom, Cyclocybe erebia, and noticed it did not have a Wikipedia page. I decided to learn how to create and format Wikipedia articles in less than an hour, and this is what I managed to create:
Is there anything that I could do better? At the end, I felt I didn’t have an in-depth enough grasp on what to say, so I cut it short and left a few areas a little vague, so someone more knowledgable than me can elaborate further. I also didn’t use that many references (3). But I was able to get the mycomorph and speciesbox templates working!


It looks great to me!

Where you have “the following is a condensed version” you typically don’t see that in Wikipedia pages unless it’s a direct quote, so that may get picked up on at some point. Instead, the usual practice is to just state it as fact (as you have already done in the following paragraphs) and put the reference to Michael Kuo’s page as citation after each of those paragraphs.

Otherwise it looks great to me, especially so considering it was your first attempt!


Thank you for the feedback! I will remove that part and just copy the citation after each appropriate paragraph.

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I copied the citation and put in on the second paragraph as well, but now there are two of the same references. Is there a way I can have multiple citations lead back to one reference?

I want it to look like:
[1], [2] —> Michael Kuo, [3]…

But right now it looks like:
[1] —> Michael Kuo, [2] —> Michael Kuo, [3]…

You can add a name to the reference.

(ref name=“named-reference”)Reference text here(/ref)

And then to reuse it:

(ref name=“named-reference” /)

Edit: swapped the greater and less than signs for () since the forum seems to eat my text otherwise.

(If you are using the visual editor there is also a button to reuse a reference, but since you asked this and because of how you asked this, I assume you are using the source editor)


Thank you very much, it looks good now.

It’s great, I love it! A little short, but otherwise very Wikipedia-like!

I think it looks great! I wish more pages were of this quality!
I especially like the Mycological characteristics info box.

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