My observations not appearing on daily Trillium report

I have received a daily report on Trillium observations from iNaturalist on my computer for several years, which I apprecuate and enjoy. Several days ago I submitted two of my own Trillium observations which were very unusual (mutations? variations?, etc) and I was very anxious to see what comments would be made by the community. So far, the observations have not appeared on the daily report that I get, and I’m just wondering if I submitted the observations correctly or if there is some other reason that my observations have not yet appeared. Thanks for the assistance.

By daily report are you referring to taxa subscriptions? If so, your own observations will not appear on your home page. However, they will appear on the home page of others who have subscribed to that taxon. To see comments/IDs, go to either your “observations” or “edit observations” tab.



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