It certainly does! What a gorgeous creature. I had no idea it existed – so glad it came to your mind!
I have one observation of that cuckoo wasp but the presentation is not as obvious with colour differentiation seen in the previously mentioned observation.
Ohhh, it is SO handsome though, that is such a stunning metallic!
Curious minds are beautiful! In plants, specifically the mint family, the cross section of the stems are usually squarish. Some species are perfect square, with well defined edges.
Squares in squares:
It touches my heart that you saw this and thought to come share here. Thank you.
Dear Lucy, I think you are doing great. Many of us elderly neurodivergents wished our parents had supported and loved our “weirdness” in a similar fashion.
I have once seen a documentary where they placed a checkerboard inside an aquarium of a flatfish capable of camouflaging. When the fish landed on the board, he immediately created a checkerboard pattern on his back. But similar to Fritillaria meleagris there will never be actual squares, just a pattern roughly resembling it, like in most examples given above. In nature, there seems to be no need for exact rectangular or square shapes, so evolution does not create them.
… it is as if nature wanted to tell us: “Don’t be a square.” ;)
That reminds me that there may be some obs of interest to folks in this topic, in
Creative flatfish would need a different project to be in though. ;)
rotate a bit and squarish…
Square stem with prominent edges:
I tried that with one here! A pineapple I bought from our frutero, though, not a whole plant. I received a slow shaking of the head: his most withering no.
I appreciate (and share) your vision though.
Maybe you are onto different questions now, but I just stumbled upon this photo that I forgot and wanted to share.
@susanne-kasimir, this is so good! It is super early here and he is a night owl, but when he arises I will show him.
He has a mind like a steel trap and forgets nothing (holds a grudge like it is a profession!) so even when he has moved onto other questions, he enjoys revisiting.
Thank you!
Some plants have intracellular crystals and some are quadrangular as seen from their side
The red triangle slug, Triboniophorus graeffei usually has a triangle on it’s back. However I have seen specimens with an almost perfect parallelogram.
the microscopic scales on butterfly wings are quite uniformly square or rectangular, depending on their position
Despite his (and my) best searching we could not find an image of one with anything other than a triangle however he was delighted with the idea of slugs larger than the ones we have in our garden (for which he has an affinity because of their eye stalks) and also that those seem to have some sort of glue defense mechanism? Ours are sadly lacking in this regard.
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