Here is what i assume to be an easy question… In the list of taxa for a given project how does iNat handle nested taxonomy? For example, if one includes both “Arthropoda” and “Hexapoda” in their project - does this return all the arthropods (because each search term is returned independently), making “hexapoda” redundant or will it return only the hexapods because they met the criteria of being arthropods that are also hexapods, omitting the non-hexapod arthropods? I know you can add disparate taxa (e.g., mammals, fish, plants, etc.), but i wasn’t sure how it handled cases were the taxonomy overlapped.
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Hi @sercfisheries, welcome to the iNat Forum! In your example, Hexapoda would be redundant because all arthropods will be returned. Taxa aren’t nested - each taxon is considered/searched independently.
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Thanks! That’s what i needed.
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