New project - with a new kml defined place - failing to include any observations

Hi there,

I’m new to inaturalist and hoping to use it for a public bioblitz in October this year. Today I have been trying out ‘projects’ for the first time. Everything seems pretty clear but I have run into an issue when using a new ‘place’, which I created using a kml file.

Here is the project that I have created:

Hopefully you can see that there are no observations included. This seems to be related to the new place that I have created because when I change this - by selecting a predefined place - observations are included. I also cannot seem to add any observation to this project.

Maybe I have to wait a while before my new place is fully operational? I’m not getting any errors or warning messages.

Many thanks for any help anyone can provide.


I’ve had this problem before also. It takes a little while after a new place is defined for the observations within that place to show up on searches of that place. I don’t know why.

But looking at your link now, it seems to have resolved itself.


As the yellow banner on the place creation page says, creating a new place is one of the more burdensome things one can do on iNatutralist. Thus, it can take a while before the observations in the new place are reindexed. The site would be much slower if this process wasn’t regulated.


It has indeed! Many thanks! I suspected this was the case but could see any ‘pending’ messages or anything like that

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Understood. It wasn’t too long a wait. I just wasn’t sure if that was the problem or not

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