I came here to request this, but seems several people already mentioned it. :) I’ve also had confirming notifications turned off for a long time…but at the same time,
So I’ve also been missing out on knowing who’s been most helpful in confirming my observations’ IDs. I know I can search for that information, e.g. IDers of my obs in the past month, but there’s something to be said for some sort of indication that these confirming IDs are happening, which would probably spur me to help ID their observations in return.
At the same time, I definitely don’t need 12 separate notifications of 12 people agreeing with my American robin observation :) so some sort of grouping of activity by user or observation would be necessary as indicated above.
Also, while I don’t (think) I care much about people agreeing with my IDs on other people’s observations, that may not be true across the board.