I don’t understand. I have a general taxa collection project for my city, and projects for specific ones in the same boundary.
I just posted a jumping spider from an obscured location, it won’t go on my jumping spiders project but it will go in the general collection project no problem. I don’t see why or what’s causing this.
It would help to post links to the specific projects that you are referring to and an observation that you think should be in a project but isn’t.
Also, it can take a little bit of time for observations to index to places and projects, so if you literally
just posted
the observation in question it may be best to wait a few hours to see if it updates.
Additionally, when you say
do you mean that you set the observation to obscured? Please themselves don’t have obscuration as a characteristic on iNat.
June 26, 2024, 1:05pm
I changed the location to be open to fix it but they have the same ‘bounding box’ in both projects
June 26, 2024, 1:11pm
what is the other project?
June 26, 2024, 1:15pm
the projects are using different underlying places.
Thanks, I just checked. I’m pretty confused why Bangkok Metropolis = the province and how its different from Bangkok. Very confusing because the province is called Bangkok.
June 26, 2024, 1:17pm
read the last paragraph in the help link that i referenced.
So Bangkok is user-created and bangkok metropolis = a province? Interesting stuff, bangkok metropolis is not the correct name.
Anyway thanks it fixed some of my old problems too because I was using ‘Bangkok’ which wasn’t the official ‘province’.
June 26, 2024, 1:28pm
i don’t know anything about how the folks governing Bangkok view things, but this provides some insight into the most recent origins of Bangkok Metropolis in iNaturalist: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/thailand-inaturalist-world-tour/5546
August 25, 2024, 1:29pm
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