Observation fields: numerical values and boolean operators

I would like to annotate cricket observations by attributes of their calls and then search on them. For example, I would like to annotate dominant frequency, and then be able to search, for example, calls between 4000 and 5000 Hz. It looks like I can annotate the numbers just fine, but I don’t see how I can search on them. I’d need to have greater than and less than operators. Any ideas?

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you can’t have the server filter on observation field values using greater than or less than operators. you can only do that on your end (the client side).

to handle your kind of use case, i would set up 2 observation fields: dominant frequency range (with pre-defined logical frequency ranges such as “4000 to 5000 Hz”), and dominant frequency (with a freeform numeric input).

in this way, you would be able to filter on the server for your pre-defined frequency ranges, and then if you need to do further filtering on your end, you could do so against your numeric inputs.

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