"Off-topic" flagging on this forum

The most recent case (my 14th time flagged in the last few days) was here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/issue-with-users-automatically-agreeing-to-an-identification/2987/43

My post which was flagged (twice in a row) as “off-topic” was:

‘I wouldn’t object to the abolition of the AI. If an ID is based on the AI, then it probably ought not to count to RG. However, one can use the AI to get the suggestion and then enter it as one’s own suggestion, so getting rid of the AI might be safest.’

It may have been a bit clumsily worded, but I was trying to say that in at least some cases, users are uncritically agreeing with AI generated IDs, making the obs RG when it shouldn’t be. One possible solution is to disqualify AI suggestions from counting towards RG (or getting rid of the AI altogether, which I probably didn’t need to say, but it still doesn’t make my post flaggable!)

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