Just looking for other people’s thoughts/opinions/views on this. I recently opted out of community ID. I did not really want to, but I saw no other option that would satisfy me.
I am not entirely sure how it impacts research grade vs casual, because I have seen many people say all community ID opt-outs should be casual, but I never really understood if they were stuck at that or not. My current understanding is that they can reach research grade as long as the community IDs given agree with the poster’s given ID. If that’s the case, I like that method. But I would like some clarity/reassurance from somebody who isn’t me.
In short, there is one specific user who continuously identifies many of my observations to a lower level than I put them at. Now, this alone, I understand, because not everybody is going to use the app/site by the same standard. The observations being identified to a lower level are not great quality, but I took them because I could identify in person. They typically fit into a category where other people would see it as “I can’t prove it’s X, but I can’t prove it isn’t X”. I understand a lot of people don’t like those types of uploads, but I do it for my own documentation, and nothing in guidelines considers those to be invalid types of observations. After all, pictures aren’t even needed, period.
I asked the user to not do so, despite me understand why it would be done, because of what I just explained, having that it’s for documentation and I wouldn’t have uploaded a low quality image like that with a species level identification if I hadn’t known what it was. These observations are typically of the species that I record the most, so I am quite familiar. I want the records to be accurate to what I saw, on my end. The user did not ever stop, and I don’t really like asking repeatedly, as I already have a few times, because it feels a bit tiresome and unnecessarily unpleasant. I appreciate that they put the effort into what I am guessing they see as helping, but it has been frustrating on my end. I don’t like feeling frustrated, especially not towards somebody who I am sure is not intentionally frustrating me. It truly is the thought that counts, but I just want to be able to bypass it at this point, without seeming rude or bitter. I initially muted this account, but that didn’t really alleviate the problem, because the bothersome part to me was the changing of the ID to something much vaguer. That is why I caved and went to community ID opt-out.
Is there a better way to handle such a thing? I truly go through just about every ID I receive, and fully anticipate to agree with the majority when it comes to many of my uploads. But I really do not like my records all saying “flowering plants” or just “plants”, when I am entirely confident of exactly what I saw, and would like the observation to reflect that. I genuinely just want to be able to handle it in a non-confrontational and pleasant way that enables these specific observations to stay as the identification I assigned.
Thanks in advance to anybody who takes the time to read or help! I appreciate all of you on here!