Osage-Orange listed as Introduced in MD

I was wondering if anyone knew why Osage-Orange was listed as introduced in MD (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62005858). My understanding is the tree was native to up to Ontario, Canada prior to the last ice age but was restricted to a small area in the southern USA (near red river) until Europeans planted it widely as a hedge row tree. I think this is the reason–however other species introduced to MD like the Largemouth bass, various sunfish, etc are not listed as introduced and to my knowledge they were not present in MD prior to humans introducing them whereas for the Osage-Orange it went extinct in MD and was then re-introduced 10,000 years later. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be labeled as introduced but any help in understanding would be appreciated.

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The source given for that listing is the Maryland Check List - I’m not sure what that means. It just seems to point back to iNaturalist entries so somewhat of a circular reference.

Edited to point out: USDA has it as native in the US, introduced in Canada.

Flora of North America, which can usually be taken as authoritative for North American plants, says:

“Maclura pomifera is native to southwestern Arkansas, southeastern Oklahoma, and Texas; it is introduced and naturalized elsewhere in the United States. Collections in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington appear to represent isolated escapes.”

“Maclura pomifera has been widely used in fencerows on farms and along roadways in the midwest and eastern states as windbreaks and wildlife shelter.”

So listing it as introduced to Maryland – and Ontario – is appropriate.

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notes about the native range of Maclura pomifera.
The fossil record indicates that there were several species of Maclura throughout North America and southern Canada. After the extinction of megaherbivores, who are believed to be the main dispersal mechanism, there remained only one species,M. pomifera along the Red river drainage in Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. Several sources also include parts of Louisiana, Missouri and Kansas

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