People abusing the Research Grade Qualifications and observers not getting notifications

I’ve had trouble with a user setting all my fish observations that he could not identify to “No, it’s as good as it can be” even though some of these are to my mind perfectly identifiable and others may not be with our current knowledge but may well be in the future, as there has still relatively little research been done on fish identifcation. This sets them to casual however, without notifying me, so they will be hidden away for all eternity. Now I happened to notice this, but I’m afraid this might happen to a lot of other potentially valuable observations, without the observers ever being aware of it.

Now what really winded me up is that I just saw that this user apparently found out I set the observations back to ‘needs id’ by checking Yes on the “can the Community Taxon still be confirmed or improved?”, and has now marked them all 'Evidence of organism = No". So now I have to go back and check every one of my fish observations again and repair them. And I’m going to have to keep doing this perpetually to make sure others aren’t moved to casual for no reason.

Sounds to me that they need a formal warning and should be suspended if that activity continues after the warning. Please send me a private message with more information/links. Thank you!

As far as not getting notifications about changes to the DQA, that’s been suggested for change and hopefully will be included in the upcoming notifications revamp: Further discussion of notifications will be moved to that topic.

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Closing – discussing the issue privately.

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