Poll: How old are you? (your vote is NOT public)

We have some teenage users who have recently joined, and are quite active on the forum. It might help with empathy and compassion if you remember that you might be talking to someone who could be your kid or your grandkid. Wouldn’t you want to encourage them and support them? So let’s find out how old you are!

  • I’m 13 to 19 (I’m a teenager . . . or maybe even younger with parental consent?)
  • I’m in my 20’s
  • I’m in my 30’s
  • I’m in my 40’s
  • I’m in my 50’s
  • I’m in my 60’s
  • I’m in my 70’s
  • I’m in my 80’s
  • I’m in my 90’s
0 voters

Some persons are young, some persons are old, some persons have neurological difference or anxiety or other concerns, some persons live in countries undergoing upheaval, some persons live in personal circumstances beyond the pale that they do not deserve. Nobody is more deserving of empathy and compassion, encouragement and support than any other.

Some people here have flatter affects, some are very detail oriented, some have better English. And sometimes people have days they feel like providing long responses and other days when they do not, and that is all OK.

I think the Moderators and Staff do a fine job of keeping tone on track, as needed, and address specific issues as appropriate.

If you want to poll users just to see who is using the Forums, that is wonderful and fun and might be surprising, but it need not be anything more. It certainly would not affect my posting style, but that is because of my profession, which requires all individuals be treated the same.


One of the positives on iNat is our diversity. And that we are all equal.
We are all here to learn about biodiversity, and some of us have knowledge which we share.


Hey guys, I’m 18.


Please remember that we are not entirely familiar with the rules of this forum. I’ve only been on here for like a month.


I do not know who “we” is so I am going to assume that it is like the general “you” in the initial post, a general “we”. To that end, I am just addressing you.

You are correct that your unfamiliarity stems from your newness, not from your age, and please do not let anyone convince you otherwise; youth is bright and held in good regard here.

Do not worry though, this type of unfamiliarity is not a new thing to the Forum, which is why I made a suggestion not too many months ago (note again that there is zero age component there). While it is still under discussion, I think @jasonhernandez74 made a really great point in his post.

In case you did just that, here is a link to the Guidelines. (Also handily you can tab at the top to FAQ, About, TOS, Privacy.)

I think reading those is the best way to start remedying your unfamiliarity, followed by just reading around the Forum.

PD: To be clear @naturespotter, I had not particularly noted your newness/unfamiliarity or would not have commented on it. I only do so because you brought it up! I could not say if it is or is not noticeable to anyone else. (I have been more absent than usual and distracted when here recently due to a move.) In any event, welcome if I did not say say so before.


One of my children has an account on iNaturalist…
I think it would also be good for the younger ones to remember that it may be their grandparent here.
Sometimes we need things explained or re-explained too. So many things have changed in this world, it’s hard to keep up.


I am young for old people, and old for young people ;)


in my 30, but and proud oldy!


I’m old enough to have graduated from university without using the internet, cellphones, personal computers, or GPS which didn’t yet exist or were not available to the average person.


When I graduated (photographic technology, it was called) we were not allowed to use the brand new autofocus 35mm cameras.


Ahhh… the definition of “middle aged”!


Why do we have a 40s and 50s gap?
20s, 30s and 60s are also at work (with kids and grandkids to care for)

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Because the 40s-50s group is at work today and haven’t yet seen the poll?


Maybe they are out photographing cool things for us?


The 70’s and 80’s are rounding off to the 60’s, and the 40’s and 50’s are rounding off to the 30’s.


I should enter a “feels like” age, which would make me younger than my calendar age. Kind of like adjusting temperature downward based on wind chill. Of course, winter makes me feel older, but wait till spring!



“Biomarkers of aging would give the true “biological age”, which may be different from the chronological age”


We need more people in their 90’s here.


Im 15 and I’ve been here for like, 4 months (I think?) not sure. I love this community though, it’s super welcoming and everyone’s nice. Thank you moderators and everyone else :heart: