Private location observations achieving research grade

Just ran across a couple of observations with the location set to “private” but nonetheless show up in the needs ID queue, and achieve research grade when ID is confirmed.

Whether you should agree to it is an open question, but it meets the criteria to achieve research grade status. It has a location, you just can’t see it.

In short - expected behaviour, not a bug.


Huh, is that new, then? In the past it seems that hiding the location automatically made it casual.

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It’s worked that way as long as I can remember, certainly since the start of the year. The only private observation I have is from January 2019 and it is RG

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I guess the follow-up question would be, if that IS intended, how can I filter out private locations from my ID queue? Since knowing the region it’s from is a major part of correct identification, it’s kind of a waste of time to have to sort through them.


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