I was having a talk with colleagues recently about naming users of iNaturalist properly. We came to the logical conclusion that when describing a user it would be best to use “iNaturalist” or in a plural form “iNaturalists”, but this did not stop us from coming up with other interesting suffixes to help (or negate) the flow of sentences when describing users. Below are some of our ideas:
- iNaturalist/iNaturalists
- iNaturalan/iNaturalans
- iNaturalistian/iNaturalistians
- iNatty/iNattys
- iNattie/iNatties
- iGnaturalist/iGnaturalists (for the entomologists)
- iNaturalite/iNaturalites (for urbanites)
- iNatpacker/iNatpackers (for backpackers)
- iNatnoob/iNatnoobs (for greenhorns)
- iNatter/iNatters
- iNaustralian/iNaustralians (for our friends down under)
- iNaturalnaut/iNaturalnauts (for our sea farers)
- iNaturaleer/iNaturaleers
- iNaturanears/iNaturanears(for your local community)
- iNaster/iNasters (either the masters on iNaturalist, or users who are less squeamish…pick one)
- iNaturaholic/iNaturaholics (for those of us that can’t get enough, in a good way)
We can’t think of them all, clearly. If there’s one or a few that I’ve missed, let me know.