Correct. As I understand it, when browsing on the observation’s page, the CV is restricted only to suggestions with the same iconic taxon as the community ID. For a concrete example:
1.) I upload a picture of a squirrel in a tree with no ID (‘Unknown’). The CV could suggest either squirrels, trees, or both in a mix.
2.a) I add an ID to ‘Mammalia’. Now the CV should be restricted to only suggest IDs related to mammals (presumably the squirrel, if it is performing well). Note you may have to refresh the page for the behavior to change.
2.b) I remove the ‘Mammalia’ ID and replace it with a ‘Plantae’ ID. Now the CV should only suggest IDs related to plants, presumably the tree.
When browsing through the CV options in the ‘Suggestions’ tab of the identify modal sorted by ‘Source: Visually Similar’, the behavior is a little different, and manually controllable. The default behavior in the identify modal is:
1.) If the current display taxon is species-level, then by default it will only suggest IDs with the same direct parent taxon; for example for a Petrophila bifascialis observation, by default it can only suggest other IDs within genus Petrophila.
2.) If the current display taxon is higher than species (i.e. just genus Petrophila), then it will only suggest IDs for taxa that are within that same taxon (i.e. genus Petrophila).
However, in the identify modal, you can manually edit the taxon to restrict CV suggestions to anything, even if it is not a parent of the current display taxon. For example, say someone posts an observation that is ID’d as an allium, and I do not know what it is except that I am sure it is a dicot. I can then click the ⌄ next to ‘Taxon: Genus Allium’ and manually enter that I want the CV to only give me suggestions for visually similar dicots.
Note that none of this is actually altering the internal behavior of the CV; it is actually only altering the way the results are displayed, by applying a filter that removes any suggestions that don’t fit the taxon restriction criteria. So the rankings should be identical with and without the filter.
I am not sure what you mean by this. If you mean that the current ID does not affect the way that the CV model is executed, either at runtime or at any given training iteration, I think that is true. Of course the current ID matters between training iterations, because the CV model is being trained to replicate the IDs. Another way to put this is that version 2.16 of the CV should always give you the same ranking results for the same picture when run, but will not necessarily give the same ranking as version 2.15.
If that is what you are trying to capture, I might suggest a phrasing like:
“The numbered release versions of the CV are static after release, and do not incorporate any new data added to the site, either from new observations or new IDs added to existing observations. When given a specific photograph to rank, the CV model’s internal ranking of taxon is not directly influenced by either current or past IDs of any observations associated with that photograph.”
I believe that is an accurate statement, and it may more precisely reflect what you are trying to convey.