Reading Buddies

I would like to read papers and then discuss the ones I’ve read. My interests are phylogenetics, animal communication, and more.

I’m looking to see if anybody else wants to be part of the same thing.

It could be based firstly on a list of papers I compiled, where these are examples: (the animal communication papers, as a map on litmaps - I tried to share using better map axis settings or export the library itself but I cannot save the axis settings or upload .bib or .csv files here.)

Any papers you have on the following topics (in no particular order) would be welcome:
Ecology, Dispersal
Social Biology, Animal Behaviour
Mechanics, Anatomy, Biophysics
Evolution Processes, Methods
Specific traits and adaptations, e.g. in marine mammals
Human Ancestry

The app I used to compile it is Litmaps. I have found ~400 papers so far which look interesting. Mostly from going over notes from the ‘biodiersity’ class I took in my second year of college and following up references.

We would do voice chats on Discord or Zoom, I figure.


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