If this is already documented as a request, please feel free to merge.
On the observations page, when looking at the map view, if you zoom into a particular area, and then open an observation via the pin, upon going back to themap it returns to the default global view. Is there any way to return you back to the zoom level and location you were on.
I know you can right click and choose to open the observation in a new tab/window, but it is too easy to forget that.
Similar to this, I would like the ability to set up a personal default location and zoom factor for the upload page. Most of my observations are near North Bay, Ontario and I have never left Ontario (aside from a few visits just inside Quebec). So it is pointless for me to have a global map.
Would this be much faster than entering a text search in the map and/or using pinned locations? You can also geotag your photos in the field (assuming you’re uploading new photos and not older ones) and not worry about the map at all.
Heh, I’m trained so well to open nearly every iNat link in a new tab I’m not sure I even noticed this. I can see if it’s possible.
Using pinned locations is faster but it can be quite easy to get too many pinned locations and end up scrolling down a long list. Text searches are great for well known locations but are useless sometimes for oddball locations like unnamed logging roads. Text searches can sometimes be slower if you are unsure of the spelling. I could geotag, but it would be cumbersome as I would be taking two devices into the field. (I use to use my GPS for photos, but now I use my wife’s old camera as it takes better pictures). Overall a personal default location with custom zoom factor could save a bit of time for some users but not that much in the overall uploading process as most of the time is spent in uploading is in trying to ID your observations.