RSI (repetitive stress) and pen tablet as a solution

I’ve worked on computers for some 30 years and the company I work for is very focused on preventing repetitive stress from computer usage. It can cause carpal tunnel syndrome among other things. I recently experienced some fatigue in my right forearm and so have explored some options. One option that I just started trying is using a pen tablet instead of a mouse. I bought it for drawing, but then it occurred to me that it would make a great alternative to a mouse. I have been doing a lot of inat work with it that last couple of days and I’m hooked. It seems much better that a mouse, it’s not only less stressful but also is quicker than a mouse. I’m using a XP-Pen Deco 3.


Interesting. I am looking for the quickest way to use iNat including a lot of zooming on maps. Touch actually seems to do that quicker with less repetition than mousing, whether scrolling or “plus”-sizing.
Unfortunately I need the big monitor to see groups of thumbnail images.

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i use a touch tablet + pen for stuff. sometimes i’ll add a keyboard for a lot of typing. i do add a mouse if i need to do a lot of precise pointing, but most of the time, i agree that touch + pen is better. touch / pinch zooming is particularly nice for zooming in on photos and maps in iNaturalist (though pinch zooming works well only on the Explore and Observation detail pages, not on Identify).

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Thanks. I’ll have to try a pen.
[Remainder of reply moved to new thread]

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Yeah, I think it would good to start a new thread.

I haven’t used a mouse in decades. A small Wacom tablet with pen is all I need, and I work with it many hours a day. No strain at all on my arm or wrist since I started using the tablet. Highly recommended.

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