Search projects by place and taxa

Kind of hard to describe…but things like subscriptions, people you follow, and project will see changes. Subscriptions can especially be taxing on our infrastructure, especially if they’re large - like all birds, or all of north america. Those will no longer be churning away in the background but dynamically searched for when you want it.

But wouldn’t these dashboard changes apply to projects you already follow, since those are the ones on the dashboard?

Finding projects you haven’t joined would be part of search, not the dashboard revamp, right?

Though not ideal, another way to search for Projects by location is to search for the PLACE you want, then click the Projects tab.

For example, here’s how to list all the Projects which specify “Brooklyn” (one of the five boroughs of New York City, aka Kings County, NY) as at least one of their locations:

  1. Search Places for “Brooklyn”:✓&q=Brooklyn&commit=Search
  2. Select the first match: “Brooklyn, NY, US”:
  3. Click the Projects tab, then click View all:

This also picks up Projects whose Places specify the searched for Place as their Parent.

It’s not a true geographic search, as it overlooks overlapping, or equivalent, Places. For example, “Brooklyn, NY, US” is the same boundary as “Kings County, NY, US”, but searching for “Kings County” and selecting the latter returns far more results:


This technique also won’t work for the many examples others provided where you’re visiting a place you are unfamiliar with, and you may not be aware of local place names people may use.

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