Dear friends, I am looking for the Florida endemic Calloose Grape (Vitis shuttleworthii) for a genetic characterization study. Any help identifying locations where i could go collect some samples will be much appreciated.
Dear friends, I am looking for the Florida endemic Calloose Grape (Vitis shuttleworthii) for a genetic characterization study. Any help identifying locations where i could go collect some samples will be much appreciated.
From → Explore you can filter by species and location. For example:
I am interning at a public preserve in central FL where I have documented it:
There are some plants on the Florida Gulf Coast University Main Campus that you collect without a permit (and this message can constitute permission granted). The plants are along the main campus drive–see iNat observations for detailed locality info.
Vitis shuttleworthii is also not infrequent along roadsides in Charlotte, Lee and Collier Cos. where fire-suppressed native vegetation occurs.
Thank you. I am still new to the site, but learning quickly
Do you know if we are allowed to collect samples for research from there?
Thank you much for this information :)
See above for how to look at all observations using iNat’s explore feature. If you’re looking in South Florida, let me know how you go about differentiating V. shuttleworthii, V. aestevalis, and V. cinerea. The latter two are in clear need of taxonomic revision, but I’ve heard varying suggestions on identifying any of the three. So, always eager to hear more.
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