Seeking Discord bot development collaborators

If you are passionate about contributing tools to our community that help in online chat conversations, I am seeking collaborators to develop a set of commands for naturalists on Discord. The project is Quaggagriff, a set of extensions for the excellent modular open source Discord bot Redbot.

Whether or not you’re a coder, if you just want to see the bot in action, join the unofficial iNat Discord server and drop in on channel #makers where server members with various talents discuss the projects they are working on. The @Appledore bot is loaded with the inatcog and ebirdcog extensions which query those platforms through their public APIs.

Bot development is proceeding well, but the list of things I’d like to see done in the near term is rapidly expanding beyond my available free time to do it all on my own. See my Design goals, Issues, and TODO. If there is anything there that looks interesting to you, please download the code from github & start playing with it.

I have tagged as a good first issue if you want to try your hand at solving an issue on your own.


FYI, the project has undergone a rename to Dronefly since this note. I’m still looking for collaborators. Please drop me a note if you’re interested.

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