Show me what new taxa I have contributed

Is there a way to show new taxa which I have contributed to a location, i.e. taxa which no one else has observed at a location ?


I have wondered this myself. I know numerous times I’ve had to “search external providers” for names (although since someone else might have observed some too).

I think the question is about being the 1st observer of something at a location, regardless of if it was in the database or not (ie i contributed the 1st sighting of a Common Crane in this park), not how mahy things you saw that necessitated adding a new species record into the database.

Being first on inat is just a more general version of being first in a location. I guess if this was a feature in the filters the current filters can already restrict to a location.

Yes first observation for the location

I am not sure if there is a way to do this easily.

I can get a list based on &user_id=Persona and &not_user_id=PersonA and the difference will give what I want.

You can find this information by searching for the location you want under Places, selecting the taxonomic area/level you’re interested in along the left side, and then checking the label that shows up in the upper left corner of each image. You can hover your cursor over a species to see the label more easily:


Thanks for the tips. However what I would like to have is a list of taxa which a user is first observer.

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