Silliest thread ever

Thanks, now I’ll type with more confidence.

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You’re doing great! If I don’t understand what you mean, I’ll just reply “ Huh?” Ok?


Thanks, nice idea!

Over 15 minutes is me trying not to stress over it too much. Instead of spending days thinking about it I just concentrate myself into a headache. Spending days thinking about it is probably the better way to go if it does not lead to excessive stress and a resulting headache;)

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I didn’t meant ‘‘days planning it’’, but days after I started typing…

Another question: Is there a way of seeing who voted without deleting the pole and making it again?

I know. What I meant was days of typing and thinking and adjusting and thinking and adjusting and typing and so on until satisfied.

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@northernborealis BTW, the iNat profile linked to your forum profile has a little typo, it says ‘‘northerborealis’’ lacking the ‘‘n’’, so when I click on it our beloved search mole appears saying he found nuthing…

Oh My God that is……embarrassing. Even with my obsessive spell checking I do not always catch my spelling errors. I will fix that right now.


Naaaah, don’t worry @northernborealis !

The thing is: you haven’t fixed it yet.

You checked 2 minutes too early! I needed another minute!

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Oh, no problem. I checked earlier because you said you would fix it ‘‘right now’’, so I thought it was already fixed.

Now I see it, it’s ready!!

Good! It took me a minute to navigate the settings.

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At least it’s ready already.

LOL Yes, like when my German friends correct my grammar and laughingly offer to teach me English (though I’m a native English speaker) … or when my Mexican friends (whose children studied English in the UK) tell me, “Speak English!” (as opposed to American English with an indiscernible American accent). Lol! Nobody’s perfect! Just keep truckin’ :pickup_truck::pickup_truck:



Yep, really!

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I accept that iNat is not an English only site. I accept that many people make comments that are either computer translated or ‘imperfect’. I really don’t consider a person’s ability to construct a paragraph or sentence in what is my only language, to be any indication of anything. I might ask them if English is their preferred language, and try to computer translate mine into theirs, but I don’t know how well it always works out. It’s an international platform, and we all need to consider that. I routinely translate into French, out of respect for my Quebecois colleagues.


Yeah, iNat is an international site, and I remember you translating posts to foreign languages and posting them heheheh. In case you’re wondering, NO, I don’t use the translator.