I’ll start it off:
I hate telling bird puns because they seem to fly over your head!
Your turn. GO!
I’ll start it off:
I hate telling bird puns because they seem to fly over your head!
Your turn. GO!
This will be a pheasant diversion.
None of my contributions will seem original because people keep robin my best material.
I understand that fear, but you’re one of the early birds in this thread, so don’t chicken out.
Do we need original puns or can we just parrot things we’ve heard?
Veery funny. But willet improve my birding skills?
This thread is too much to swallow. I’m going to duck out before I sound like a raven lunatic.
I fear we may be here owl day.
Avocet a limit on this thread? Can any of us sparrow the time for this?
@tallastro, yeah repeating one could lead to hawk-ward accusations of pun plagarism.
Yes, guys and gallinules, let’s knot allow it to tern ugly while it’s stilt friendly. No sora feelings please because once it starts, wren willet end? Best to nip it in the budgerigar.
While not a pun, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush isn’t taking photos for iNat. :)
@clay_s, do you egret not making a pun?
omg, moderators, pls do something about all this fowl language
Don’t be emberizidae if you forget where you put your sparrows! We all make mistakes.
What kind of warm beverage do American Crows prefer?
Maybe you should Brewer’s a pot so we can keep going.
Toucan play at that game
all of you are unquestionably guilty of cardinal sin