Small clarification to About the Nature Talk Category

I just wanted to note that I’ve added this text to the About the Nature Talk Category text, under “This is not a place for:”

  • Solely promoting your work or cause and only linking to other sites (eg Instagram, YouTube, personal site, etc). If you want to share your work, it should be framed in such a way as to start a discussion here on the forum.

We’ve had a few posts there lately that seem to be purely promotional, linking to articles or social media accounts without any sort of attempt at starting a discussion. This is, first and foremost, a place to discuss things. If you want to share your work or a friend’s work, please a) be judicious, this shouldn’t primarily be a promotional board and b) frame it in a way that starts a discussion about it. So I added that clarifying text.


I was probably one of the guilty parties, sharing a video I thought was cool. Would it make sense to start a thread for sharing items of potential (but minor) interest? Or is it better to simply refrain from posting things we think are of general interest, but maybe not worthy of specific discussion.


I doubt it could have been your video. I think the more recent example was a person enthusiastically promoting an instagram account without any context.


No one in particular is to “blame”, and nothing posted has been out of bounds, I just wanted to add clarity to the guidelines of the category.

The forum is growing - which is great! - but that means the potential audience for promotion is growing as well, and I want to make sure the forum stays focused on having good discussions rather than a place to post links. If you find something cool and nature related, definitely share it, but add a question or two, or share your thoughts as a way to invite others to join in. That’s all. :-)