Some 'interesting' AI suggestions of late

earlier i was inputting a location, but i see that the difference between what you did and what i did is that you’re including only suggestions that have been observed nearby, and i was getting all suggestions. so my suggestions looked more like your left-most item above.

i believe “nearby” is defined by this logic:

since none of the suggested visually similar moths have been seen nearby, you end up with only the non-moths when you filter for seen nearby.

i checked your first photo, too, and that one happens to match a Siberian Tussock Moth, which has been seen nearby, but all of the other moths get excluded by the nearby filter.

so i think the computer vision is working as designed, but you might have to include all suggestions, not just ones seen nearby, if you’re trying to get suggestions for things in places where those things (and similar things) are unlikely to have been observed nearby.

tiwane elaborates a little more on this above: