Strange thing happening to text in profile bio

For some reason the first paragraph in my profile bio changed to larger text.

I’m seeing this on all other user profiles I looked at as well.
Anyone else seeing this or know what’s going on?

I don’t see that on my end, but gotta say I love your bio. Always awesome to see people give the creator of nature the credit He deserves. All the glory to God!

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Looks like you accidentally inputted some formatting/markdown. Did you put some hashtags before the text or other characters?
Edit: Sorry I just noticed you said you’re seeing this on other profiles Not sure what that might be.

No, I didn’t change anything with it, but when I got on a little while ago, the text was suddenly much bigger.

I’m also seeing the first paragraph of text larger on every other user’s profile I’ve looked at since then.

I just noticed this on my profile as well.

Noticed this too, and checked a few other profiles, everywhere the first paragraph in much larger font. Don’t like it.

I’m seeing the same thing on Microsoft edge.

Maybe this should be moved to bug reports?

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This is actually how bios used to be formatted. It’s possible it’s related to this fix. I can check.

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Adding a horizontal line before the first paragraph seems to fix the size of the text.

Move to Bug Reports because it is an unintended effect of that fix I linked to above. Should be fixed soon.


