The Impact of Urbanization on Local Biodiversity

Hi everyone,

Urbanization is rapidly changing our landscapes, and I’m curious about its effects on local wildlife in your areas.

  1. Habitat Fragmentation: How is the fragmentation of natural habitats in your area affecting local species?
  2. Urban Wildlife. What adaptable species have you observed thriving in urban environments?
  3. Green Spaces: Have you noticed any biodiversity hotspots in city parks or green rooftops?
  4. Invasive Species. What invasive species have you seen in urban areas, and how are they impacting native flora and fauna?
  5. Pollution Effects: How is pollution from urban areas affecting local wildlife?

Share your observations and thoughts on these topics. Looking forward to your insights!



Is this for a school assignment? The forum really isn’t the place to get information on that. Consider entering search terms in Google Scholar:


I changed the section to “Nature Talk” since the topic doesn’t ask about anything specifically related to iNat.

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Urbanization creates new challenges for species—some adapt or move, others die out. Scientists say urbanization-induced evolution, which alters the way ecosystems work, will have global impacts. For example, it could reduce the ability of plant seeds to disperse, encourage infectious diseases, and even change the migration patterns of some species. Installing galvanized electricity pylons has created new habitats suitable for plant species that tolerate high levels of zinc in their surroundings. The evolutionary clock has apparently been sped up by human activity.

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