Time traveling iNaturalist

I too would like to be just about anywhere in the U.S. pre colonial destruction. While plenty of people were traipsing around here earlier I’m with @charlie in that I want to see things in the U.S. before all the deforestation (old growth northern woods? yes please), hunting-to-extinction, introduction of everything from smallpox to taraxacum sp., ya know, that stuff… I’m in New York (upstate rural for a long while) and grew up in New York City. I was always fascinated as a child by the illustrated maps of the boroughs before the Dutch settled everything. It was all probably the most amazing bird migratory stop…like Jamaica Bays only the whole city. I would also like to see the area I currently reside somewhere in the timeline of the last major glacial movement that created the mountain ranges I live between above and below. I bet things were crawling with weird things just afterward. Can it be a sloooooooooow historical visit?

yes. No comment. Excepting this one ;)

those are the ones of us who go to the northern or southern border and answer the question, " what country are you from?" with, “America” instead of, “the U.S.” It’s true…many silly ones but we aren’t all bad silly. Some of us (me) are good silly. Plus, iNat was born here, right? ;)

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