Tool to export observations to map

I wanted a way to be able to refer to observations while out on a hike and away from cell coverage. I already have offline mapping apps, I just needed to get an arbitrary set of observations to show up there.
So I took a few hours and wrote a webpage that runs a search on iNaturalist and generates a GPX file. This can be imported into most mapping applications. It doesn’t include photos (I don’t know of any apps that would show them anyway), but does include any notes on the observation.
For now, it lives here:
There are probably bugs, as well as many ways it could be improved. If you use it, let me know how and what for. You can write me here, or on iNaturalist.


these are other things that folks have made to generate GPX files:



I have a couple of notes for users:

If you want to see your obs, you must not enter a link such as , which doesn’t work, but instead

“Common name” means “English common name”, but you can easily get another language by adding, for example, &locale=es to the link you enter in the app.

Thank you very much!

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Thanks! I had looked for existing solutions and didn’t find any. iNat-trails looks especially useful and thought through. Though neither of these tools appears accessible to non-programmers.

Thanks for checking it out. I didn’t know about that form of observation URL.
I now set the locale parameter based on the web browser’s setting, if none is in the search URL.

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