Unknown Removal Ceremony: A New Project

I decided to make a circle with the center where I live and slowly expand the radius, IDing unknowns as I go. Eventually I’ll hit the wall that is Houston and probably give up. :sweat_smile:


That is a good strategy. ; ask for input, but move on.

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Since - ask the observer - does not usually get a response.
I have learnt to check first, if they are still active on iNat.


Hey, @teellbee you did misunderstand me, but in a totally understandable way. In my post I was trying to stress the importance of large amount of observations with very broad ids vs. small amount of observations moved from unknown with very specific ids. Therefore it would be easy to think that I also meant that with the Homo Sapiens ID when, really I didn’t. What I meant by that was if an object is of a say cardboard box with a advertisement of a fish on it and the observation is for the fish thats incorrect and the only possible way to mark it is Homo sapiens.

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Yes, but on times when you are certain Homo sapiens is most definitely not incorrect.

Getting things out of the Unknown pool with a very broad ID such as “Plants” or “Class Aves” is most certainly useful. For example, the other day I changed about 20 unknowns to “Kingdom Plantae” and every single one of them was found by a knowledgeable user and identified to species. Moving them out of unknowns makes the more discoverable. The more efficiently and quickly you can do that the better. Of course, just dubbing something “casual” to get it over with is certainly not fair.


But, I ~think~ @cs16-levi-Levi was saying not to spend too much time looking at a picture to determine the subject.

That actually is in fact what I meant. Just add a broad id to get it out of unknowns for experts to find and continue on.

avoid ~spending time~ thinking about an ambiguous photo and just to default to Human if there was a human-made artifact in the photo.

No, that is not at all what I meant. I will delete what I said from my message and add a part to my post to better explain what I meant. (or at least attempting to :sweat_smile:)

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@cs16-levi You can respond to multiple people (or multiple posts from the same person) in one post by quoting them instead of making a string of separate posts. This helps keep threads and the forum more organized and usable. Thanks!


Thanks for the tip! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind for the future.

I’m not sure what you mean by that question

Where (what location) for the obs?
Which country?

Various, I didn’t sort it by country.