User actions with "top suggestions"

If people don’t know they exist, they probably shouldn’t be adding a species level ID without significant research in any taxa…at the very least in more complex taxa other than birds.

If people are going to do said research to ID any observation, it is more likely to happen outside of the upload screen which is more of a transient space. There is no huge benefit to displaying these autosuggests on upload…they would be used more responsibly if access was limited to elsewhere on the platform.

This is good. But the new app fails miserably to address the issue with autosuggest when there is no “pretty sure of” suggestion - the new interface design makes it even more likely that users will pick a random option from the dropdown than the previous design or browser…as to choose a broader coarser level you have to go to a separate screen via the magnifying glass. It would be better to retain the species look up as on the previous app.

But even better would be if there were core iconic taxa buttons to choose from…or ideally, the broader most likely taxon based on the autosuggests ( in this case, Aves ). This feature request addresses this issue and is under-review :