When I research the wildlife I’ve found but can’t quite get to species level one of the options I use is the ‘Explore’ then ‘Organism’ option to see if anything similar has been observed nearby. But if I only search in the genus level can someone tell me if it extracts that level from its search - for example if I explore genus Cirscium will it only bring up entries that are only at genus level or will it also bring up species level Cirscium as well?
It will bring up everything IDed only to that genus, and also everything IDed as a species (or any other finer rank like section or subgenus) within that genus too. So everything gets included
If you did want to restrict your results to purely observations identified to that genus and exactly that genus, you can use these filters:
Thanks I was hoping it included everything
With regard to the option you shared I’m presumed that interface is website and not available on the iNat App?
yes that’s on the website
The search and filtering capabilities available in Explore in the current Android app are pretty limited, and I believe the iPhone app is worse. New apps are in development and so these search capabilities may improve.
In the meantime, I would strongly recommend using the web interface for any work identifying observations or exploring species. It’s more productive in so many ways.
Seconding what others have said, the website is much more well designed for identifying than the app.
thanks everyone
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