What do you think about different leaf colors in the same area (of same altitude)?

My understanding is that higher plants need more protection from too much sunlight, therefore they will be lighter in color. However, in my area, I noticed that plant species always vary in color (light to dark) despite their extremely similar altitudes. Tall plants can be dark in color, which means my initial understanding is flawed. Is this the case with plants you have observed in your area? What do you guys think of my initial understanding of color vs altitude?

May be relevant for those choosing to reply: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/school-homework-questions-on-the-forum/34848/44


Hi @appleyjiang, as stated on the About page of this forum,

This is a forum for iNaturalist users to discuss iNat-related topics, report bugs, and request new features.

It is not a place to get help with projects - there are other more appropriate online resources for that.

If I have misinterpreted your post, please let us know, otherwise it will remain closed and unlisted from the forum. Thank you for your understanding.
