What If Cryptids Are Just Naturalists?

This is something I have been thinking about for awhile.

Basically, what if cryptid sightings were just naturalists or biologists out in the field? Many cryptids are seen in nature, after all!

The Flatwoods Monster could be someone with a raincoat and a red headlamp, maybe looking for salamanders at a vernal pool. Maybe Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yetis are someone who really enjoys boreal forests/ mountains.

I would love to hear others’ thoughts!


So, Loch Ness monster was a biologist too!


I’ve known quite a few big hairy field biologists who could’ve been mistaken for Sasquatch, especially in the deep woods at night.


I’m still trying to figure out how the biologist could have pulled looking like that off, maybe they were simply sitting in a small boat birding.

Definitely, and that brings another part of this fun theory, a lot of cryptids are seen at night, so vision is already obscured, and the person who sees them is too scared to talk to what looks like a monster but is actually just a naturalist who is happy to talk to passers by about amphibians/scat/a specific subspecies/ or anything else!


Of course not. Cryptids are seen at night because people love to mystify things, and putting them in a nighttime setup, where you can’t see anything and your fear and cautiousness are much more vivid, is the perfect way to do so.


My sister popped out of the woods in West Virginia near an old abandoned graveyard while botanizing (complete with bloody nose), causing a kid on the trail to scream. She didn’t know what to do, so she turned around and went back into the woods. She’s probably a cryptid to that poor kid!


Very tall naturalists though.

Sasquatches have to have excellent naturalist skills - how to track animals, how to distinguish edible plants from poisonous ones. How not to trash their natural environment. We could learn a lot from them.


The Missouri Monster was obviously a naturalist with a mop on their head!


Now I’m curious about the Mothman.

Seriously, though – when my sister was a teen, she came home after a weekend with friends with her long hair dyed green. For a second or two, until I recognised her, I was flabbergasted to find that elves were real after all.


Hunters wearing ghillie suits as camo could easily be mistaken for Sasquatch and actually have been.



That definetely would make them look hairy! How funny.

This is my favourite “conspiracy” theory now :D
This whole thread is great haha


I once saw Mothman! It was night, and I was standing in a pool of light from a lamp. Suddenly, this huge lepidopteran comes flying at me, eyes glowing. I later found out it was a waved sphinx. Oh well.


A waved sphinx is still pretty cool! I don’t know if I’ve seen one of those yet.

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I could imagine someone wearing large goggles or headgear with a reflective surface, and using a red or infrared light to avoid disturbing animals. The “wings” could be part of a large coat or other equipment used in cold or wet conditions. If this person was climbing or moving quickly, their silhouette in the dark might look like someone flying (although low to the ground)


I like your explaination. Maybe they are looking for moths, too!

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See observation here.

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The Loveland frogman is just a guy with goggles wading in the water to look for leeches or something and the wendigo is just a tall person with unusual choice in headgear.


Also, the chupacabra doesn’t really suck the blood of chickens and goats and such. He just wants to photograph them.


No, he wants to photograph their parasites. That’s why he leans over and puts his face right next to them.